Christina, feel free to cook for me anytime!

I have this lovely vegan friend; you have all heard of her on here before. Well yesterday I was sort of tricked into attending a vegan play date (which was great because I got to eat this amazing salad...keep reading). Christina and another good friend of ours have this vegan play date weekly where they do a vegan potluck lunch. I got a pity invite yesterday (maybe not a pity invite because they really just love hanging out with me, and who doesn't?) which turned out to be a great way to spend my morning. The kids played pretty well; only a few altercations between toddlers, and there was good conversation and something I was prepared for; awesome food. 

Bean, rice and veggie wraps, so yummy (thanks Maggie), my complicated contribution of 1 ripe cantaloupe and 2 blood oranges. (I realized I was intruding on the vegan play date as I was leaving and this is what I threwtogether) and a salad. Really, Salad. Who brings salad? I am NOT much of a salad eater. I will eat it but rarely prepare it for myself. I mostly NEVER order it when we go out to eat ("soup of the day please"). But this salad looked different. 

I filled my wrap, grabbed some fruit and a spoonful?/scoopful?/handful? of salad. It was AMAZING.
Turns out this salad was not really salad at all. Well it was, but not a lettuce salad. It was Kale. And apples. And Cashews. And delicious. I had 3 helpings and could have had more but thought that may have been a little much. 

I have already added all the ingredients for this salad to my grocery list (yes, my meal plan is already underway for next week) and I will be making this to share with my family. But until I officially make this dish, here is a link to the recipe if you just can't wait. 

And I wouldn't if I were you.

Bon Appetit 

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