Homemade Granola Bars; Sweet and Fun

How do you feel about granola bars? I know, what kind of a question is that? They are easy to grab, kids will eat them no question and they have oatmeal so they are filling. In other words they are great. But let me tell you about my issue with store bought granola bars (and most prepared foods available at the grocery store) I don't really know what is in them. So now you all know why I make my own gnocchi, pizza, samosas, bread, cookies, and granola bars. I'm a control freak about what food my family eats. I just have major issues with not knowing what half of the ingredients are in a product when I can make them at home and know exactly what they are eating. This is not to say I don't buy prepared foods ever. I do. But I try to make as much at home as I can. Luckily I like to be in my kitchen (even though it is crowded and tiny).

I grew up on fresh baked bread, cinnamon buns, home cooked suppers and a lot of other things. My parents had and still have a large garden which we spent some time in; and my dad a lot of time in, so we could have fresh vegetables. But my parents didn't spend hours rototilling or kneading bread dough so that they would know what we were eating. It was cheap. Yes, it required work but when there are 11 mouths to feed you take the less convenient route to stretch dollars. In the process of making the money stretch though, they created me. I prefer fresh food. I know that homemade tastes better, and is healthier for you just because it isnt full of preservatives to extend its shelf life.

One day I hope to have a little farm where I can have my own garden, maybe some fruit trees, a few chickens (fresh eggs are so much nicer), and maybe a cow. Or a goat. I haven't decided. 
I want to have fresh food at my fingertips. 

Alright. my rant is done. For now. This brings me back to granola bars. We like them. but I don't like what is in them so I make my own. (I want you to know that I don't always do this. Just having extra boxed food is nice and easy, but  I do try to have homemade. I try) This is the granola bar recipe that we like best (probably because they tastes most like store bought). These are not healthy exactly. The recipe calls for Sweetened Condensed Milk, which is raw milk, heated until the water evaporates and a whack load of white sugar added. I want you all to know I'm not claiming these are healthier than store bought bars because they are low in sugar or fat; not at all. I am telling you that they are healthier because you will know what you are eating.
I think that counts for something.

Homemade Granola Bars

2 2/3 cup of Quick Cooking Oats
1 cup of Chopped Nuts
1 1/2 cup of Dried Fruit (raisins, craisins etc)
1 cup of Sunflower Seeds (or any other seed; I use Hemp Hearts)
1/2 cup of Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup of melted Butter
1 Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk (this is why they taste so good)

Preheat oven to 325. Line cookie sheet or cake pan with Parchment Paper. Mix all ingredients together (make sure you don't our your hot melted butter directly onto your chocolate chips or they will melt). Press into pan and bake for 25 - 30 minutes or until golden brown. Make sure you check the middle that it looks cooked too. 

Cool and remove from oven. Cut into bars. 

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