Need a snack? How about a Best Ever Zucchini Muffin?

How do you feel about muffins? Well at our house muffins are a staple snack. My 5 year old daughter thinks that she must have a muffin for her afternoon snack at school. This isn't an option in her mind. There must be a muffin. Or 2 mini muffins. But rarely has anything else ever passed her approval for an appropriate afternoon snack during a busy school day. So we bake muffins at least once a week. NEVER buy a muffin from the grocery store, you may think it looks good but they always end up greasy/slimy and I'm confident that muffins are not supposed to be like that. 

We have a couple of favorite muffin recipes here. My 2 year old son wants Blueberry Muffins and my daughter is ofter heard asking for Zucchini. I've heard her explain to her friends why they are green and that "don't worry; you can't taste the zucchini". That kid cracks me up. 

So let me share with you our favorite Zucchini Muffin Recipe. It is actually a "Company's Coming" recipe and we all love it for different reasons. The kids like them because they are greenish and taste good. perfect. I like them because they are fast to make, smell amazing when baking, I can make a double batch with just 1 zucchini, and the recipe calls for whole wheat flour as well as all-purpose. I love whole wheat flour. I'm such a sucker for any recipe that uses it. 

Best Ever Zucchini Muffin

1 cup of All Purpose Flour
1 cup of Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/2 tsp of Baking Powder
1/2 tsp of Baking Soda
1 tsp of Ground Cinnamon (I usually add more than this because I like cinnamon)
1/2 tsp of Ground Allspice (I add a bit more of this too for the same reason as the cinnamon)
1 tsp of Salt

1 large Egg
1/4 cup of Cooking Oil
1/2 of White Sugar (I usually use a bit less than this, about 1/3 cup)
1 cup of Grated Zucchini, with peel (about 1/2 of a zucchini)
1/2 cup of Milk

Measure together the first 7 ingredients in a large bowl. stir together thoroughly. Make a well in  the center. 
Beat egg in medium bow until frothy. Mix in last 4 ingredients. Pour into the well of the flour mixture. Stir to just moisten. Batter will be lumpy. Fill your muffin cups 3/4 full. (I SWEAR by silicone muffin liners. If you keep an eye open you can get them for a good deal. I bought mine at Liquidation World for less than $3.00 for 12) Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

Okay, now I must explain something. I did say these were FAST muffins to make and I'll tell you why. I've long learned that these muffins don't really require you to mix the dry and liquid ingredients separate. Just measure and dump everything in a bowl, stir it up and get them in the oven. 

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